keskiviikko 22. joulukuuta 2010


Life keeps on living.

Soldiers will like ice cream and sing on every car ride; trauma victims will tell jokes in the waiting room; terminally ill will live and love.

After losing everything, you'll find something new. You might forget something, but you never forget everything.

People who have never been able to use their legs will dance in their head, and they will dance perfect. People without voices will sing in their minds, and it will be the most beautiful song you've ever heard.

A man without the control of his arms learned to paint with his feet, and paints better than many ever will. What makes you say you can't do it?

One man can take a picture that will make a thousand men cry. And men can cry.

You can live your life and never feel a thing, but what would be the point? If you never dream of flying, how could you ever grow wings?

Pablo Picasso once said: "Everything you can imagine is real." It might not be true in our world: but just because dragons and dinosaurs and time machines and men with wings and cats the size of houses that all dream the same dream and a hippogryph guarding the gates of dreams and men with nine lives and cats with nine tails do not exist in our world, it doesn't mean they don't exist somewhere else. Just because your dreams don't follow you into reality doesn't mean they aren't true. Just because your dreams didn't come true today, it doesn't mean they couldn't come true tomorrow.

Hold on to who you are and what you want, and never mind the rest of the world. You might never be perfect, but you are pretty damn close.

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