I try to keep off anything topical on the internet here, because I am well aware that people often have rather specific opinions when it comes to things that are on the wall at the time. This time, however, such inaction is not an option. This is a time to hoist the colors and do some banner-waving.
For those of you who don't follow online comics or the news circulating around them, FunnyJunk.com (a page that lives on contributed content, also known as leeching off everyone else) hired a lawyer, Charles Carreon, who sued Oatmeal.com for, uh, defamation and false advertising (the false advertising tag, atleast, is false, because Google doesn't work the way they seem to think it does). They wanted 20 000$ for this little hoot, so Matthew Inman (the man behind the Oatmeal) went ahead and raised almost 10 times that amount in an online fundraiser and gave it to National Wildlife Foundation and American Cancer Society. The fundraiser is still on, if you feel like pitching in, by the way: the Bear Love Good, Cancer Bad -campaign.
Now, there's been some name calling and some such on both sides, but FunnyJunk and specifically Mr. Carreon are finding out what exactly the Streisand Effect is all about (in short and in this context, the internet always hits you back with greater volume). Charles Carreon, however, rose to a whole new, comicbook-supervillain-kind-of an infamy on last friday, when he, privately, sued the Oatmeal, IndieGoGo (the company behind the fundraiser) and also the National Wildlife Foundation and the American Cancer Society. Now, the complaint isn't available yet so no one (except the Dr. Doom behind this little escapade of idiotism) knows the reasoning behind sueing the two beneficaries of the fundraiser. I'm sure in his personal universe, it makes a lot of sense.
I'm talking about this because everyone should. We should show that this kind of megalomanic censorship and butthurt crazy. I'm not an expert, so read it from the horse's mouth, and even more preferrably, an expert. Even more importantly, spread the word, donate money, help in any way you can.
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