Went street dancing today. Inside, but still. It's really funny to just kick around a bit, do your thing - when you're dancing freestyle it's not about the correct moves, it's just the moving that counts. Of course it helps if you know how your body works, what you can and can't do and which way you bend doing this and that, but at the end of the day the only thing holding you back is you. Trying something new is part of the routine, of course: if you never extrapolate you never surpass yourself. You can be really good at the moves you know, but they are the moves you already know. I had fun, I learned to do a rising spin-kick the other way around and a few other groovy moves.
What I challenge all of you to do now is go out and do something new, something you'd like to try or really want to do. Who cares if it's embarassing or you might fail? I have a bump on my head and had a few really bad landings today, but I wasn't laughed at. The only one holding me back was me. Go do something cool.
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