sunnuntai 26. elokuuta 2012


It's been a long while since I've done one of these, so here goes. I'll be doing another one the coming week, too. Now, I know it's only early autumn, but as Eddard Stark so aptly put it, winter is coming. So here's some winter moods from last year.

Now, I realised that I've never put up the most classic "blogger from Jyväskylä" picture, which is a sort of a town promo picture with one of the two characteristic bridges of Jyväskylä showing. So here's one: my gift to the promotion of our beautiful town. (I'd like to point out that even though the bridges are cool, the town has quite a lot of other, beautiful stuff as well. We're a bit too stuck next to the lake with the promotion material.)

Now, it's been a long week, so I'm off to bed. I'll have more time to do some thought sinks here next week, I hope. Be back then, for now, enjoy the last of the summer and the first breaths of autumn. Enjoy the morning fogs and the evening hazes: they'll be gone too fast.

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